World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2009-06-17 2009-06-19 Africa
2009-06-18:Distance today: 22.0 km (Accumulated: 14138.8 km)
Elapsed time: 02:20:14
Country: Africa
Start 09:07am. sign "Office of the president, Laisamis county" in Laisamis village on the main rd./A2 to Nairobi. 26c, half.clear and l. wind. Finish 13:47pm. At "Merille Watersupply" in Merille village on the main rd./A2 to Nairobi. 41c and same.
A very nice evening was spent in Laisamis yesterd. A police officer, Amos, invited us to stay at his house (the most of the village was closed due to outbreak of cholera).
Unlike in ethiopia - where any means were used to wrestle our belongings from us, we were here invited on a splendid dinner of ugali & chicken ! Kenyans are a Pleasant experiense and w. a dignity and intelligense we have not been used to since Sudan (wich by the way also is a splendid contry to visit, despite theimages tv might give !).
Amos and his family talked w. us untill late in the evening sitting outside on the terrace w. a bright band of stars above. They and the family are members of the small "Ventrille Tribe" of ca. 15 000people.
The young men still seperate from the village, living in the bush for years, untill they can return and join the community as "elders" and parttake in choosing the leaders of the tribe. (We sometimes see them walking 10-20km from the villages in their special dress and w. long spears).