World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2009-04-14 2009-04-16 Africa
2009-04-15:Distance today: 26.0 km (Accumulated: 12565.8 km)
Elapsed time: 02:40:26
Country: Africa
Start 08:00am. at km-marker 464 on the main rd. to Addis Abeba. 21c, clear and l. wind. Finish 11:22am. at km-marker 439 on the main rd. to Addis Abeba. 24c, a few clouds and same.
Driving to Addis Abeba to repair the supportcar that is only driving on 3 of its cylinders now- and meeting my girlfriend who is flying in from Khartoum :-)))
.. Seeing the road ahead wich I have to battle when we return from Addis. Hmm: A stunning canyon where The Blue Nile runs way below, but w. a 1000m drop and up the other side by steep winding hairpins that seems to go on into the clouds !
The run: beautyfull green-grass mountainsides and dramatic rock outcroppings. However, once more rockthrowing by kids and this time more grown up and a serious hit to both knees. Took up the chase over the farmfields into the dusty paths between the strawhuts and palmtrees. They were gone.
I'd like to be polite and I do this run in Friendship; but this contry has a directly ugly attitude wich slowly gets to you and puts dark tracks in your soul.
The Good side is that the time couldnt be better to meet my sweet girl and wash away all these disturbing encounters !
NB: In Ethiopia gprs-service (global phone roaming service) is not yet avaliable for datatransmission. Therefore the Live-gps data cant be transmittet to the website as usual. It may first be avaliable in Kenya. Untill then traditional documentation is used: photo, logbook, video, wittness etc. !