World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2009-04-09 2009-04-11 Africa
2009-04-10:Distance today: 15.0 km (Accumulated: 12376.8 km)
Elapsed time: 01:48:25
Country: Africa
Start 14:30pm. At km-marker 642 on the main rd. to Addis Abeba. 20c, overcast and l. wind. Finish 16:46pm. At km-marker 627 on the main rd. to Addis Abeba. 27c, allm. overcast and same.
Fever !
- Africa isnt exactly an easy place to run, when you choose to run every step through it from North to South.
Again this night I had the 'diarea exercises' all night. Leaving me w. a bit wobbly legs, strong fever and "no fuel" left on the running engine..
At first deciding that there was no chance I could run anywhere today; even more so at 2000m alt. But at 11am. the fever began tolift' a little and I could keep water down w.o. throwing it back up. So I agreed w. my supportdriver that we should give it a try after I had taken 3 hours more of rest.
By that time I could keep down a quater of a bisquit so we drowe up the mountain to where I finished yesterday. The first 4km was uphill and.. wether it was the fever or the low bloodsugar from 20h w.o. food: the horizon seemed to tilt from side to side. Groups of children running alongside sounded like steps and voices ecco'ing in a tunnel. But they actually kept me moving forward in a super-slow jogg. And somehow they must have fealtthat I was not in the mood for the usual "give me Money !" screams - they ran a few steps ahead, only chatting quietly and made it easier to decide the direction of the next steps at moments where the human cpu' seemed to be at "close down" ;-)
The car waited every 1km w. water and motivation. Its certain that had I not enjoyed the calm support of 'the gun' (my danish supp.drivers nickname !) the 15 wobbly km would have been impossible !!
- Why I didnt stay in bed ?
Because adventures & achievements are found out on the roads :-)
And chances to look deeper into our common 'inside' comes on the hard days !
NB: In Ethiopia gprs-service (global phone roaming service) is not yet avaliable for datatransmission. Therefore the Live-gps data cant be transmittet to the website as usual. It may first be avaliable in Kenya. Untill then traditional documentation is used: photo, logbook, video, wittness etc. !