World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2009-04-03 2009-04-05 Africa
2009-04-04:Distance today: 49.0 km (Accumulated: 12273.8 km)
Elapsed time: 05:08:37
Country: Africa
Start 09:07am., at "Goh Hotel" in Chilga/Aykel, on the main road towards Gondar. 20c, clear and l. wind. Finish 15:12pm., inAzoso at intersection of the main road towards Gondar and the main road to Addis Abeba. 28c, white cumulus clouds and same.
After a few days where running and pushing the stroller on dust/rock/stone roads at high altitude meant that my body had simply stopped to recover from one day to the next -feared it was malaria, but am fairly sure its just staying 'over the limit' too long - I today had a day where running again was the pure Joy it shouldbe:
running up and down over mountainpasses, seeing brown farmfields and strawhuts below, the blue sky and circling eagles above. Thinking about people that mean all to me :-)
On the stage I had again good support by my young Ethiopian team from Baia Dar; Salomon, Taiij and Alex'. They do all they can to motivate me and carries the stroller conveniently in their rented mini-bus.
What a difference to beeing alone out on the roads !!
At the moment its the last days of the fasting time in Ethiopia; they prepare for Easter by strictly observing a "no meat" diet untill Easter celebration.
I havent been able to find any meat except the friendly people I met in Shendi and the delicious and Huge meal I was invited to by my teams family in Gondar ! Who understood about the run and prepared some v. tastefull meat for me, as an exception to the faste ! THANKS :-))
It mens a lot to the recovery-rate as Im not very used to vegetarian food and thus didnt find enough protein to avoid injuries to develop and recovery to slow down to a halt up here in the altitude ofthe highlands.
I have given the situation some thourght: tomorrow the team goes back to Baia Dar as the finances are limited at the moment. I know thebody needs still 4-5 days to recover to full strength. At best I should stay put and rest but that would disagree too much w. me ;-) Instead I take onestationary 10km day tomorrow and then a series of easy short days w. the stroller. If I calculate right this should be sufficient to recover the injuries especially to ancles and achilles tendons from the v. uneaven rock-road streatches. And.. give time to adapt to the altitude of the Ethiopian Highlands:-)